Internationalising means developing the value chain on a global market, taking medium to long-term strategic actions aimed at making your company increasingly competitive.
The first step in the internationalisation chain is the export activity.
In order to provide SMEs with a complete picture of Sistema Italia’s measures to support internationalisation, the Government has launched the portal, a tool dedicated to Italian companies that helps them find their way in the export world and access all services more easily.
On the platform, you can access the section dedicated to regional services and consult the area dedicated to the FVG Region at this link.
Contact us for further information:
In an increasingly globalised and interconnected market, it is essential for your company to undertake internationalisation, a strategy that proved successful even during the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19, which saw multi-localised companies reacting better and holding their own in the market.
The process of internationalisation is linked to the concept of growth and competitiveness, and often depends on several factors, ranging from the supply of raw materials and intermediate goods to the presence of particularly favourable conditions for your business.
Developing the market abroad means being able to compensate for the stagnation of domestic demand and, if it is true that the propensity to internationalise is proportional to the size of the company, SMEs must also learn to act like small multinationals, with the logic of presence on world markets and appropriate organisation and governance.
Internationalisation is the result of proper planning, assessment of the target market, and identification of the approach that best meets the company’s needs, be it ‘follower’, ‘make where you sell’ or ‘Increase of the Global Chain Value’.
Follower: A company that sets its market strategy on the basis of the choices of one or more leading companies;
Make where you sell: A company producing close to its sales markets;
Increase of the Global Chain Value (GCV): ‘pocket’ multinationals: not only production, but also logistics, marketing etc. abroad. For SMEs, internationalisation takes the form of a greenfield project abroad or the strengthening of production lines in Italy (SMEs can join the GCV of a larger company).
The SPRINT FVG network is at your disposal to support you throughout the entire internationalisation process.
Write to us at: or fill in the support request form.
For a first overview of financial internationalization instruments, watch the video.
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